RSF Militia: (Tagadum) leaderships receive money from RSF

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia has discontinued its consultations with political forces and armed groups to form a government in the areas it claims are under its control.


Sources told (Sudan Tribune) that the militia halted the consultations after the successive defeats it suffered at the hands of the Sudanese army, and after mutual accusations between the militia’s media advisors and leaderships of the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Tagadum).


Militia leaders, including Al-Rabi’ Abdel-Moneim and Al-Fadil Mansour, launched a violent attack on Tagadum leaderships and accused them of receiving money in exchange for their support for the militia. The leaders revealed that the militia rented houses and apartments to Tagadum leaderships in Addis Ababa and Kampala.