RSF militia deports about 400 captives to Nyala

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia has revealed that it had deported 327 of regular forces and civilian detainees from its incarceration centers in Khartoum to Nyala.


The militia arrested hundreds of officers in Khartoum and continued to detain them in detention centers located in Riyadh neighborhood and the Sports City south of the capital and in Soba prison east of Khartoum.


A militia source from Nyala told (Darfur 24) “The detainees who arrived in Nyala are 327 high-ranking officers who were incarcerated in Riyadh and Sports City detention centers and the Soba Central Prison.” He pointed out that these detainees were gathered and deported via the Jebel Awliya Bridge in three large trucks under heavy security guard to Kober prison in the Karari neighborhood south of Nyala.



The source reported that the militia had allocated 8 combat vehicles to guard the prison and prevent citizens from approaching the streets near it.


The source stated that a number of captives died during the deportation from Khartoum to Darfur, and three of them died after arriving in Nyala inside the jail.


The source’s account matched another source who told (Darfur 24) that the detainees arrived in Nyala after a journey of more than two weeks via the Jabrat Al-Sheikh road in North Kordofan to Darfur.


The source revealed that there are more than 55 detainees from the 21st Infantry Division in Zalingei in Central Darfur State and the 15th Infantry Division in Al-Geneina in West Darfur in the militia’s detention centers in Nyala, pointing out that the militia commander in Nyala, Salih Al-Futi, deported dozens of military captives from West Kordofan to Nyala earlier last year.


A militia source had said that the number of civilian detainees exceeds 400 detainees, including former military personnel and some civilians.


The militia is holding the detainees in several headquarters, including the Malaria Control Administration, the Judiciary, Al-Gasharat (scalers), the Intelligence Service headquarters, and the Darfur Crimes Court headquarters in the Airport neighborhood in Nyala.