Minister of Minerals: (Mohammed bin Zayid and Kaka) are in a hurry of El-Fashir fallen

Minister of Minerals and leader of the Minnawi-led Sudan Liberation Army Movement (SLAM) Mohamed Bashir Abu Namu has disclosed a feverish nightly activity of Emirati cargo planes loaded with weapons from N’Djamena to Nyala to take over El-Fasher as soon as possible.


Abu Namu advised the military commandership to send a strike force from the army and the joint forces to Darfur immediately, stressing that the matter cannot be postponed. He stated that the war in Khartoum and Al-Gezira has ended and all the remaining militia elements in these areas are looking for a way out to escape.


Abu Namu said, in an article on social media, that the Emirates of Evil and its protégé Mohamed Kaka are hiring Eastern European pilots for tens of thousands of dollars per flight from N’Djamena to Sudan, with a life insurance policy guarantee worth $5 million for each pilot from the most famous European insurance companies, indicating that the contracts with the pilots are signed in Abu Dhabi. He explained that the destination of these planes, filled with tools of death, is Nyala or one of the cellular airports in Darfur and Kordofan.


The minister said that Mohammed bin Zayed is rushing to bring down El-Fashir for fear of the new US President Trump. As for Kaka – according to Abu Namou – he has no share in playing with the big boys as he is a “contractor committed to implementing the terms of Bin Zayed’s contract.”


Abu Namou confirmed that people in N’Djamena phone the residents of Nyala to inform them of the time of the plane’s takeoff from there, which lands after an hour and minutes in Nyala. He revealed that 4 large Ilyushin planes took off from N’Djamena yesterday alone and arrived in Nyala.


The minister attributed the insistence and risk taken by the pilots to the UAE’s insistence on turning the El-Fashir war into an electronic war with strategic drones.