Looted cars from Khartoum dominate (transport) market in Nyala


Owners of transportation agencies in Nyala revealed that looted cars dominate the travel and goods transport market, which has led to the old travel cars going out of service.


The owner of a transportation agency from Nyala told (Darfur 24) that the looted four-wheel drive vehicles and dump trucks have become very active in travel and goods transport, especially fuel that comes from the border area of ​​Adikango.


He pointed out that traders and travelers prefer looted cars, due to their low prices compared to other cars in the market, and the protection provided by the militia members who drive them.


The owner of the agency stated that the cost of a (Land Cruiser) fare from Nyala to Ad Daein ranges between 600,000 and 650,000 pounds, and one passenger 20,000 pounds, compared to 30,000 to 35,000 pounds for regular cars.


He explained that the cost of a four-wheel drive vehicle from Nyala to Al-Geneina and the areas of For Baranga and Om Dukhun ranges between 1,500,000 and 1,300,000 pounds.