Sudanese Foreign Minister :We strive to establish balancing ties with the major powers, focusing on the Sudan’s strategic interests

Interviewer : Ali Sutan
Translated by: Fouad Yousef Kiddo
- Sudan welcomes any international and regional initiatives thatsupport and contribute in promoting the development, as well as focusing and dealing with initiativesrespecting and supporting its sovereignty and stability.
- It was necessary, with the commencement of the 2023 war, for the diplomatic business to reflect variations in its priorities, the most important role was to back up the national military institution politically and diplomatically in its battle of dignity.
- We assert and endeavor to secure humanitarian support and mobilizing the international endorsement for the Sudan’s rights within the United Nations and regional organizations.
- We focus, in this decisive period, on intensifying the diplomatic efforts to rigorously represent the Sudan in the regional and international arenas which reflect the Sudanese people’s sacrifice in the battle of dignity.
- We strive to establish balancing ties with the major powers, focusing on the Sudan’s strategic interests.
- We have distinct strategic ties with China and Russia, we are keen to enhance these ties under the existing challenges.
- We are re-checking our relations with some countries based on their attitudes during the war, we are keen to promote collaboration with those countries showcased their real support to Sudan during the crisis.
* I have admitted the assignment for the sake of enhancing the role of the Sudanese diplomacy in facing challenges.
We are honored, in Silk Road International Magazine, to conduct inthis distinct version an important dialogue with the Acting minister of the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs HE Ali Yousef Al-Sharif, the Sudanese veteran and experienced diplomat, whose assignment to the Foreign Affairs portfolio has witnessed a wide welcome by the Sudanese diplomats, and most of the Sudanese people who are familiar with his seasoned diplomatic capabilities and experiences, particularly that HE was assigned to the the Ministry of Foreign Affairs portfolio which synchronized with a vital, fateful and decisive time in the contemporary history of Sudan, under a fierce war targeting the survival of Sudan as a country and nation that has been anciently and internationally known with its geographic area at all times.
All the beginnings which were undertaken by HE Dr. Ali Yousef trended in positive and thoughtful diplomatic directions, despite the short time since his assignment so far, the Sudanese diplomacy is achieving a wonderful and important breakthrough confirming that the appointment of HE Dr. Ali Yousef was not only important but was successful as well proving that Sudan is rich with abundant, distinguished expertise and competences.
The dialogue with HE the minister, despite its shortness, casts its shadows on the total Sudanese foreign policy and the positive points being achieved by Sudan with many sisterly and friendly countries worldwide, determining its serious positions towards the enemies of Sudan or those represented passive attitudes to our country in this war which we were able to differentiate between the enemy and the friend and those of gray attitudes in a serious issue that doesn’t afford neutrality or stance in the middle.
Your Excellency, you have taken the office in a crucial and delicate time… How did you proceed with such an assignment? And what were the significant and challenging decisions you made?
I have taken the office in scrutiny and decisive stage of Sudan’s history where the country witnessed major challenges at the political, security and humanitarian levels. I have admitted the assignment for the sake of strengthening the diplomatic role of Sudan to confront challenges, I began to rectify and direct the efforts towards the interior orientations, as well as pushing the strategy towards the international and regional stability and enhancing the capabilities of the ministry in confronting the international and regional variations which occurred due to the existing war, dealing wisely with the international and regional interventions in a balancing way, leveraging the great subsidy being provided to me by the country leadership.
How do you assess the Sudanese diplomatic business procession since 2019?
The Sudanese diplomatic business has witnessed since 2019 significant transformations starting with promoting the interior national dialogue post the revolution, passing to the reconstruction stage of the foreign relationship after the mitigation of the US sanctions. By the outbreak of war in 2023, it was essential that the diplomatic work should reflect a change in its priorities, most of which is to back up the national army politically and diplomatically in its battle of dignity where dealing with the security issues was most imperative, particularly the displaced people and humanitarian subsidies issues, in a time where the international and regional relations require to consider the top interests of Sudan.
Your ministry has undertaken a substantial and increasing role during the war period… What are your key orientations and preparations for the diplomatic battle you are engaging now within the framework of the military and civilian total dignity battle?
Meanwhile this decisive phase, we strive to intensify our diplomatic endeavors to rigorously represent Sudan at the international and regional levels reflecting the Sudanese people sacrifice in the dignity battle. We seek to secure the humanitarian aid, mobilize the international support for the rights of Sudan in the UN and regional organizations, synchronizing with enhancing the image of Sudan as an interactive partner in combating terrorism, as well as enhancing the Sudanese people’s unity across diplomatic messages reflecting the joint sacrifice, we strive to build what was being destroyed by the rebellion and re-construction of the same.
Your Excellency has extensiveand solid diplomatic relations and expertise, this was obviously seen immediately as you assumed the portfolio of the foreign ministry. What are the soon successes we predict within the framework of enhancing the exterior relations of Sudan?
Our priorities are to promote ties with the major international powers and neighboring countries. I have adopted the approach of the constructive communication policy with the neighboring countries and adhering to the “Meter Filtering” policy. We endeavor to expand the collaboration horizon with the international partners in terms of trading and investment, focusing on building a rigorous strategic relationship with major economic powers such as China and Russia. We seek to restore confidence in the Sudanese diplomacy at the international and regional levels, opening to the new initiatives aiming to fulfil the national interests of Sudan.
What are the priorities of the Sudanese foreign policy in the current phase?
The priorities of this phase involve enhancing regional security with the neighboring countries, building long term economic partnerships. We are keen to improve the Sudanese image in the universe after the war by effective communication with the international and regional organizations. In addition, we strive to solve the humanitarian crisis of the displaced people in cooperation with the sisterly, friendly countries and international organizations to achieve our people’s stability and welfare and establishing partnerships with the sisterly and friendly countries for the re-construction phase.
What are the plans of the ministry to enhance ties with the neighboring countries and achieving regional stability?
Sudan is in the core of a critical territory in terms of geographic and politics. This is why enhancing our ties with neighboring countries is a great priority. We strive to establish fixed relations with neighboring countries based on joint cooperation to fulfil regional security and stability. Our efforts may result in the restoration of our relations with many countries hoping that such relations will witness constructive and positive steps, we will consistently exert our efforts to strengthen trade and economic exchange, settlement of cross-border disputes by dialogue and intermediary. We have a significant interest to strengthen the cooperation of combating the regional challenges such as terrorism and illegal immigration,seeking to create integral areas and contact between countries rather than interruption and secession.
Are there particular steps to enhance economic partnerships with regional or international countries?
Yes, we have strategic plans to enhance economic partnerships with many countries. We seek to open new markets for the Sudanese products, enhance foreign investment in vital areas such as energy, agriculture and minerals. We cooperate with international financial institutions to finance re-constructing projects and infrastructure after the war. Part of our strategy is to recover rigorous ties with donor countries to obtain humanitarian and development aid.
What role does the ministry play to back up the reconstruction of Sudan post the overwhelming defeat of the rebellion?
The ministry plays a vital role in reconstruction of Sudan following the triumphant victory by assessing the relationship between the donor countries and the international financial institutions, we will determine the priorities that include health, education sectors and infrastructure to secure the sustainability of the reconstruction process. We are seeking to create partnerships with both countries and corporations, encouraging the private sector to contribute to the construction and development process. The Ministry initiated to conduct a number of workshops and conferences via some of our missions to draw investment and finance to support reconstruction projects following the war.
What role does the Sudanese diplomacy play to draw the foreign investments and international aids?
The Sudanese diplomacy will effectively remain attracting foreign investments by urging countries and major corporations to invest in strategic projects in Sudan. We exert our efforts to configurate suitable investment climate, removing bureaucratic obstacles and providing incentives to draw share capitals by engaging with the countries and international organizations, we are doing our best to polarize humanitarian and developmental aids to secure the provision of basic services under the existing challenges.
What is the adopted strategy to enhance the joint cooperation between Sudan, Arab and African countries?
We strive to strengthen cooperation with Arab and African countries by activating economic and trade agreements that works in favor of the region’s people. Focusing on coordinating endeavors in anti-terrorism and other regional threats as well. Moreover, we strive to enhance the role of Sudan within the regional organizations, namely African Union, Islamic Cooperation Organization, League of Arab States and other organizations.
How does the Ministry view the Sudanese relations in the near future with the major international powers particularly US, China, Russia and EU?
We look forward to building balanced relations with the major powers, focusing on Sudan’s strategic interests. We have distinct relations with both China and Russia, we are keen to enhance such relations in light of the existing challenges. As for the United States, we focus on constructive engagement, positive dealing and encouraging cooperation in anti-terrorism and economic development areas. Regarding the EU, we are working to enhance cooperation relevant to human rights, sustainable development and the transition to the economic cooperation phase.
Your HE, you have had distinctive relations with China at the time that you were the ambassador of Sudan there. How have you succeeded to settle any conflicts or misunderstandings that arose recently? And what about the mutual ties between Sudan and China nowadays?
Sudan and China’s ties are solid and concrete, it has proven its capability to overcome the challenges. We enhanced the cooperation in respect of vital sectors, that is energy and infrastructure. Thanks to consistent dialogue, we could address all issues. We endeavor now to expand cooperation in trade, technology and energy areas. China will also be an essential partner to recover what has been destroyed by war in Sudan.
Will there be a reconsideration to Sudan’s ties with the globe countries in light of their attitudes towards Sudan during the war? Neighboring countries in particular?
Of course, we are checking our ties with certain countries depending on their attitudes during the war. We are keen to support cooperation with countries that showed their real pack up to Sudan during the crisis, meanwhile we are assessing our relationship with those who adopted passive attitudes. Now, we are focusing on mutual respect-based relations and shared interests.
What are the most prominent challenges facing Sudan’s diplomacy today?
Managing the international relations is one of the most significant challenges facing Sudan’s diplomacy under the variations, humanitarian and developmental aid and activating the role of our missions abroad in preparation for the battle of reconstructing of what being destroyed in war. As well as handling the political and humanitarian consequences. We also face challenges in enhancing investment in light of the current security situation, beside our constant need of building confidence with the international community.
How does the ministry handle the international sanctions file and rebuilding confidence with the international community?
Sudan doesn’t face any international sanctions, namely no sanctions are imposed by the UN, rather there are unilateral sanctions directed by the US, but we have made a great progress to overcome those sanctions, we are transparently building confidence with the international community, cooperating in humanitarian areas, and progressing in human rights file.We aim to gradually lift the sanctions by implementing domestic reforms and achieving substantialoutcomes in good governance and development areas.
What is vision of Sudan in promoting human rights and acting with the international organizations?
As an essential part of our foreign policy, we believe in strengthening human rights. We are committed to act with the international organizations to achieve progress in this area, we develop policies aiming to protect human rights and promoting social equality in Sudan.
How can the Sudanese diplomacy improve its international image following the war post the deliberate exposure to the media distortion?
Improvement of the international image requires diplomatic strategies depending on facts and efficient engagement with the international media. We focus on using modern communication means to send real messages of Sudan and interact with the international media to rectify misconceptions.
Are there any updates relevant to the Turkish initiative to invite Sudan and UAE on a dialogue table?
Principally, Sudan welcomes any initiatives aiming to conception, promoting regional piece and stability. Turkey is a friendly country tied with Sudan by a historic distinct relationship, it took the initiation, from this standpoint, to mediate and that was welcomed by Sudan. Yet, this initiative is not clear and not turned into detailed ideas to be studied.
Are there any other initiatives being welcomed by Sudan?
Sudan welcomes any internation and regional initiatives that contribute to promote development. In this regard, Sudan focuses on and deals with initiatives respecting its sovereignty and stability. We prefer to unify these initiatives to avoid dispersal of efforts and discrepancies resulting from a multitude of platforms and initiatives. In this context, Jeddah Agreement is the perfect and optimal framework for addressing the situation in Sudan, we hope that sisterly and friendly countries will support this trend to achieve the desired objectives.