Native leaderships reject South Sudan government moves to annex Abyei

Native leaderships in the Abyei area submitted a memorandum to the United Nations Secretary-General in protest against moves by the South Sudanese government to adopt a unilateral referendum for Abyei in order to annex it to the state of South Sudan.
The native leaderships said, in the memorandum, which was delivered to the UN headquarters inside the Abyei area, that they, as a major component, will not accept these violations by the South Sudanese government, which believes that the central government is busy in fighting the rebels, a matter that gives them the opportunity to expand in Abyei and annex it without any right.
The memorandum confirmed the Misseriya’s rejection of the steps taken by the southern government to approve the unilateral referendum and annex Abyei.
The native leaderships said that all heavenly and international laws guarantee them the right to defend their legitimate rights.
The memorandum called on the UN Security Council to take urgent action to stop the violations of the southern Sudanese government and extinguish the fire of sedition, which may create a new security threat in the area and the region.