In rare move (NUP and SCP) condemn militia attacks on civilians


The National Umma Party (NUP) condemned the terrorist attacks by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia on citizens in Al-Khiran area in Abu Gota Locality in Al-Gezira State, which resulted in the deaths of about 13 martyrs among citizens, and the militia’s revenge attacks on citizens in Al-Gitainah Al-Gharbia, rural Al-Duwaim.


The NUP General Secretariat condemned, in a statement, the targeting of power stations in Merowe Dam in Northern State and Al-Shouk in Al-Gadarif State by militia drones, which led to a power outage in three states and the vandalism of the service infrastructure.



The party strongly condemned the attacks carried out by the militia on villages that have no relation with military areas. The statement called on the militia commandership to stop these attacks and violations against citizens and not to attack villages and residential areas that have nothing to do with military areas. NUP stressed the need to withdraw militia forces from the villages and not to jeopardize the lives of citizens.


The party’s statement described what the militia is doing as a humanitarian and moral crime against innocent civilians, requiring all citizens of the country to stand together, show solidarity, cooperate and work hard to halt the bloodbaths and suffering of the people, spare the country destruction and fragmentation and restore stability, so that citizens can return to their homes and normal lives. NUP stressed that the continuation of the war means more vandalization of the infrastructure, splitting up the country and division among the people of the same country.


In a related context, the Deputy Chairman of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) and leader in Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Tagadum), Khalid Omar Youssef, condemned the RSF attacks with drones on power stations in several areas of Sudan, stressing that they have multiplied the suffering of civilians who are paying a heavy price for the continuation of the war.


Youssef described these attacks as “condemned and denounced”, emphasizing the need to protect civilian objects and infrastructure and not target them. He pointed outn, in a post on (Facebook), that the continuation of the war is drowning Sudan in total vandalization, affirming that the only solution to get out of this dark tunnel is to withdraw from the war and raise the voice of peace, with a focus on protecting civilians first. He called for a comprehensive peaceful solution that addresses the roots of the national crisis in a fair, just and sustainable manner.