The army flood is preparing to invade Khartoum

The army and security formations have tightened their control over all entrances and exits of Khartoum State and have placed all Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia inside a tight box. While forces coming from Al-Gezira State joined the White Sea crocodiles, the commander of the Sudan Shield Forces, Abu Agla Kaykal, announced the combining of his forces with Al-Ailafun forces east of the Nile in Khartoum, confirming his approach to the Soba Bridge, at a time sources reported that about 37 advancing armies will be deployed against the militia in Khartoum.
The Sudanese army had continued its advance in the areas east of the Nile and regained the areas of Al-Eseilat, Al-Ailafun and Om Dhoban from the grip of the RSF militia.


As for the western side, the army was able to reach the city of Al-Maseed, the last point in Al-Gezira State, to complete the liberation of the whole Al-Gezira State except for some small pockets.
The sources said that the army will carry out a sweeping flood from all directions to be deployed against the militia in Khartoum.