Suicide drones cause power outages in three eastern Sudanese states

Al-Gadarif: Mahfouz Abdeen, Hadia Sabah Al-Khair
Suicide drones targeted Al-Shawak transformer station in Al-Gadarif state, resulting in injuries and power outages in large areas.
On January 13, an attack by Rapid Support Forces (RSF) drones on the Merowe Dam power station in the north of the country caused a power outage in the River Nile and the Northern States, in addition to Omdurman in Khartoum state.
Eyewitnesses said that “six suicide drones targeted Al-Shawak transformer station, resulting in a power outage in Al-Gadarif and Kassala.”
They pointed out that the attack, carried out by RSF militia forces, resulted in injuries to civil defense personnel present at Al-Shawak station at the time of the extinguishing.
The bombing damaged the electricity transmission line from the Upper Atbara and Setit Dams, which produces 320 megawatts, while the Ministry of Energy teams are conducting an initial assessment of the damage.
Witnesses reported that the suicide drones targeted the Al-Gadarif State Water Station, and one of the drones fell on Al-Gadarif-Kassala-Portsudan national road near the bus gathering, causing panic and fear among travelers.
Al-Gadarif State hosts hundreds of thousands of displaced people (IDPs), mainly from Sennar and Al-Gezira.
Activists said that suicide drones targeted the Singa Power Station, which led to a complete blackout in Sennar State, southeast of Sudan, in addition to Atbara Airport in the north of the country, without causing any damage.
In the same context, the Civil Defense teams were able, despite the continuous attack by drones – which continued until six in the morning – to control the fire at the station.