SAF continues its speedy opening in Al-Gezira, joins advancing force in Khartoum eastern Nile

The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) continued, on Sunday, its rapid opening in Al-Gezira State in the center of the country, where it took control of large areas in the north and east of the state, including sites adjacent to the capital, Khartoum.
SAF and its supporters resumed military operations in Al-Gezira State, yesterday, Saturday, where they took control of the cities of “Rafaa, Tamboul” and the villages surrounding the two areas from the east, and also took control of the Al-Hassaheisa Locality in the north of Al-Gezira and progressed to the borders of Al-Kamlin locality.
The commander of the Sudanese Shield Forces, Abu Agla Kaykal, announced that “SAF took control of Wad Rawa and Al-Nabti areas and that it is determined to advance towards the capital, Khartoum.”
He revealed the joining of an advancing force coming from the eastern Al-Gezira with another army force from the eastern Nile at “Al-Nabti” crossing area leading to the surrounding areas of the Eastern Nile Locality in Khartoum State, on the eastern national road “Madani – Khartoum.”