Minawi to Hemeidti: “Where did you hide yourself?”

The Governor of Darfur Region and the General Supervisor of the Joint Forces of the Armed Movements, Minni Arko Minawi, continued his attack on the militia leader, Hemeidti, describing him as a “wild dog”, and asked “where did he disappear?”


Minawi said, addressing masses of the joint force in Ad-Dabba, that after the militia failed to seize power in Khartoum, they decided to go to Darfur to seize El-Fashir to separate Darfur and declare their state from there. He stressed that Hemeidti’s goal is to exploit the wealth of the land and enslave the people of Darfur. “We will not be enslaved.” He added, “I heard that Hemeidti addressed the people after retaking Madani and accused me of cowardice and that I am afraid of planes,” denying that by saying, “In the past, when a warplane came to us, we would stand in our place and not move and we did not know how to dig a trench,” and asked sarcastically: “But where did he disappear?”


Minawi called for tolerance and dialogue with all tribes in Sudan. He said, “Hemeidti and his brother Abdel-Rahim do not represent a tribe. Their tribe is the Rapid Support Forces militia.”