Khartoum State Wali: Restoring life to the capital is a difficult and costly process

With the Sudanese army advancing in the capital Khartoum and regaining control of the Headquarters of the General Command of Armed Forces, Khartoum State Wali (governor) Ahmed Osman hamza confirmed that the situation in the liberated areas requires a great effort to restore housing.
Khartom State Wali explained, in statements to (Al Arabiya/Al Hadath) on Monday, that the concerned authorities will complete what is necessary for the return of the people to the recently retaken areas. He said: “There is a great recovery and we have restored essential services in several areas for the return of citizens.” He stressed that restoring the features of life after the war is a difficult and costly process.
Hamza explained that water, electricity and health are among the most important needs required to restore life to normal. He stressed that the liberated areas require a great effort to remove waste and return residents.