Due to rebel militia destruction of radiotherapy centers, Radiation hazards are looming in Khartoum


Federal Minister of Health Dr. Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim warned of radiation and environmental hazards resulting from the systematic destruction by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia of radiotherapy centers in Khartoum and Madani, in addition to targeting the Stak building, which contains laboratories and virus incubators, which poses a health risk.



The minister indicated during the weekly briefing forum on the violations of the RSF militia (health sector), which was organized by the Ministry of Culture and Information today in the Intelligence Hall in Portsudan, that the Khartoum and Madani Radiotherapy Centers provided treatment services to 75% of patients before the war, and that the only treatment center operating now is the Merowi Center after the Shendi Radiotherapy Center stopped operating, pointing out that centers in Neyala and El-Fashir have halted providing cancer and kidney treatment services due to the destruction, sabotage, and cessation of services caused by the Rapid Support Forces Militia.