Detainee detonates grenade inside RSF detention center

A captive detonated a grenade bomb inside a detention center affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia in East Darfur, injuring five militia members.
A source told (Darfur 24) that the detainee was seriously injured and was conveyed to the hospital along with the five militia members.
The source pointed out that the militia members dealt with the captive by luring him out of the jail, and while they were trying to take the grenade bomb from his hand, he removed the grenade’s safety and threw it at the militia members, which led to its immediate explosion, causing five people to be seriously injured, in addition to the detainee.
The sources said that the captive obtained the grenade bomb from one of his friends during a visit to him in jail, and the grenade was hidden inside winter clothes for the purpose of concealing it.