Aggar: (There is no war led by angels), the results of (Al-Kanabi) investigation will be announced within 7 days

Vice-President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC), Malik Aggar, denounced the decision issued by the US Treasury to impose sanctions agains General Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, describing the decision as malevolent and targeting the unity of Sudan and the integrity of its territories.


When addressing masses of people in Portsudan who came out denouncing the US sanctions decision, he urged more cohesion, national unity and unification of visions so that Sudan does not collapse.


In the same context, Aggar pledged the Sudanese displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees that they will return to their areas and homes next March, explaining that Al-Burhan is currently performing his duty and leading the battles himself in the front lines, announcing to the citizens that the hour of victory is approaching. He revealed that Al-Burhan is leading the battles at this moment.


Meanwhile Aggar violently attacked the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) and the Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Tagadum), describing their statements against the army due to the violations of Al-Gezira as (cheap propaganda), affirming that they are defaming the army to serve their political agenda, destabilize security and sow discord between Sudan and its brothers.


Aggar confirmed that the government is fully determined to take all legal measures against anyone proven to be involved in any violations.


TSC Vice-President admitted that transgressions had occurred, “I do not deny that transgressions have occurred.”


He added, “This is the reality of war, and no war is led by angels.” He continued, “War is led by humans with human weakness, and chaos is expected.” He added sarcastically, “There is no sophisticated war.” However, he stressed that chaos and the killing of citizens are not a systematic or organized thing, as FFC and Tagadum spread.


Regarding the committee investigating Al-Kanabi’s violations, he said that it arrived in Madani on Sunday and will begin investigating and will submit the outcomes of its investigation within 7 days, pledging to publish the results of the investigation to everyone without cover-up.